How often does writing and creating content take a back seat to everything else on your list of what you want or need to get done?
I hear this from my coaching clients and writing students almost daily - especially during this very hectic time of year - that I decided to host several “a la carte” Soulful Writing “short and sweet” sessions so together we will have time set aside to focus the best we can on keeping up with the demands of content and our need for connection, community and a sense of belonging.
With our Soulful Writing Sessions, a la carte, you don’t need to sign up for a multi-session course: you are welcome to come when your schedule allows.
You will be given prompts to use (or not).
There will be a designated time for discussing writing and content strategies based on questions you submit before the session. If you don’t have a question until we begin, submit a question during the session and it will be addressed either via video or during a later Soulful Writing Session.
Maybe you want to focus on writing -
- A series of social media posts.
- One blog post.
- A journal entry to let your feelings out so that you may communicate more clearly about what's going on inside you.
- Experiment with a poem or a video script
- A chapter of your novel or non-fiction book.
- Breaking through the block of whatever writing you have set aside for a while and want to revisit.
- Use the prompts offered to get your writing momentum flowing & dive into furthering your work from wherever you are.
How it works:
You simply join our zoom session at the appointed time to move forward, with love on your writing. Here is the basic schedule:
- Open with a 3 minute writing warm up.
- State intentions for our session in the Zoom chat.
- Prompts will be offered for a variety of writing types so no matter what, you will have something to write about during the Soulful Writing Session.
- We will write together in three 15 minute cegmentss with one-minute stretch sessions in between.
- Strategies, tips and coaching questions will follow the writing sessions and will last for up to twenty minutes.
- Depending on how time allows, people may share a bit of their writing aloud with the community AND/or sharing in the Zoom chat.
- Celebrate with the Community before we close the session.
Upcoming 90 minute sessions are scheduled:
Friday, December 10 at 11 am EST
Wednesday, December 15 at 4 pm EST
Monday, December 20 at 7 pm EST
To Register, click this link:
I’m thrilled to think about writing with you in a Soulful Writing Session soon!
Coming Soon in the Soulful Writing Series:
Soulful Writing Short & Sweet Workshop
Soulful Writing Circle
Soulful Writing Campfires
Soulful Writing & Creativity Retreat
Soulful Writing Short & Sweet Workshop
Soulful Writing Circle
Soulful Writing Campfires
Soulful Writing & Creativity Retreat