11/30/2017 0 Comments What happens when we choose to shift, to write, to flow with the word love river.... #5for5BrainDumpI facilitate the writing. I hold space for the writing. There are times before I even have a chance to move my pencil that the impact of sitting with others while they write has an enormous impact.
Before we write, we breathe deeply in order to become more present to the prompt and to each other. The breath connects us. Today was like every other day except for my broken coffee maker and later the smell of vinegar. The prompts were so simple – which is sometimes a key to the breakthroughs that come as a result. Today I am choosing to… Today, I am shifting – or something like that. There was a choose and there was a shift, but given my own five minute timer I am worried less about getting it absolutely right than I am remembering into what happened while writing and remembering my own shift. Today I am choosing to stay centered and fine with whatever happens. The coffee maker ceases to work so I am not caffeinated and that’s just what happens. I move along. Today I am choosing to slowly and surely put pieces in order, pieces that have felt broken or missing and I will be aware of the steps I need to take not in a rigorous lock step way, but in a “oh, yes, here it is I’ll take care of it now” sort of way. Today I am shifting out of my harried, do everything for everyone else space. So when I washed my car so carefully and mindfully it was as much or more about anyone else caring, even though I know it will make the car more pleasant for anyone else who rides along with me, that was neither the focus or the intention. The focus and intention was my greatest good, my pleasure, my awareness. That just feels slightly…. No not slightly, revolutionary and contrary. The timer is going off. But before I go – I read a great poem this morning I believe I found because of creating this shift with the others who participated in the #5for5BrainDump broadcasts this morning. It is called “Gretel in Darkness.” It was exactly what I needed to read, exactly what I needed to ponder and be open to today.
Today we wrote using a technique I first learned from Natalie Goldberg, author of Writing Down the Bones, The True Secret of Writing and more phenomenal books. We used two "couple" phrases to write from and when I did my own writing, was amazed at two different "findings" - read this brief writing to see what I discovered.
None of this has been edited from the original, it is all straight brain dump. At the end of the writing you may see the original recording and write with us! YAY! PROMPT: am receiving/I am not receiving. I am giving/I am not giving. I am receiving more time – yesterday I definitely did. It was fascinating when I opened the door through repeatedly focusing on “receive, receive, receive” my nemesis – TIME – suddenly calmed down. I actually found more time to get more things done more effectively. I am receiving more time. I am not receiving pain. I am not receiving pain unless it is fruitful for me to receive the message and take action. Pain is my friend when I receive it constructively. I am giving love and hope on my broadcasts for #5for5BrainDump this week. Have you ever felt you are onto something bigger and better and yet so familiar from the past it is like returning home, to the home you didn’t know you had? That’s how I’m feeling right now. Traces of heaven – I realize, I’m receiving because I’m giving myself the gift of broadcasting on a subject I’ve covered in the past successfully via teleclasses and as of before had not done so in livestream. I am giving. I am not giving myself over to lack. I am not getting trapped in the lack labyrinth. I am receiving unexpected and yes, very welcome, praise. I am not receiving harsh critique. I am giving kudos to myself and giving “thank you’s” when I’m praised. I am not giving in to my fear, niggling fear like may come in tidbits this morning at Samuel’s IEP. I am remembering the Catherine Ponder quote we used today: “Whatever your problem, it is but a test in love. If you meet that test through love, your problem will be solved. If you do not meet that test through love, your problem will continue until you do! Your problem is your initiation in love.” I am receiving the realization five minutes may be a long time to write when it is this rich, this abundant, this full of goodness even at what might sometime may be seen as “negative.” I am not receiving that sort of label – it isn’t positive. It isn’t negative. It is what it is…. And that… is. I am giving peace, love and joy as the five minute concludes. Ahhhh, yes. I am grateful for timers. I am grateful Catherine Ponder wrote and shared and wrote more. I am grateful for YOU, reading this and those who participated on today’s and yesterday’s broadcasts. I am grateful. I am receiving. I am giving. I am whole.
I was having a tough time getting started with my article about ending writer’s block until I recognized the efficiency and power of the brain in stopping me from reaching my goal to write.
“But I want to find a supportive quote,” my logical mind told me. “Wait – what are the facts behind babies and crawling and intellectual development?” I think it was at link #3 that I finally remembered I was supposed to be doing a 5 minute brain dump instead of wandering alongside the course I meant to be on all along. This is how writer’s block works: It makes us think we aren’t enough as writers, and if we just got the proper back up and if we just had the right proofreader and wait wait wait – if we know how to do that one thing left for us to learn our writing will come out so much better and we will have more readers than could fit in one of the largest auditoriums in New York City and… no. Just no. The easiest way through writer’s block was to set the timer and start writing whatever popped up. I may go back later and edit the words which may be mediocre at best or perhaps have within the words something valuable and new, not thought of until my fingers took a moment to press on the keys of the keyboard. There are a few things about writing I need to remember when I am stuck by “needing something that is missing”.
11/24/2017 0 Comments Writing is an Act of Abundance - Join us for #5for5BrainDump - starts Monday, Nov. 27Writing is an act of abundance. You move your fingers on the keyboard, you allow your pencil to move across the page, the world becomes a better place.
Naturally this is even more true when we come from a place of consciousness, a space of awareness that each time we open to the messages we are meant to be speaking more widely, more largely, more openly, our energy is shifted higher and higher and we discover – so much. So much. When I write, my head clears. The weightiness of responsibility that says “dammit you have a deadline” becomes, “You know what? You’ve got this!” The ugliness of “I can’t believe I forgot again,” becomes, “I created this. I had this new thought. I remembered…. And because of that, I am stronger. Sometimes writing takes us down a dark road and fear is turned on. We stop believing writing is abundance because we briefly forget the dark woods are just a stop on our walk down life’s path. I know, that sounds trite and cliché because sometimes trite and cliché are given those titles because they are so ever present. One more thing, perhaps the most important: writing is an act of abundance because when I write my observations, feelings, desires and all that is so for me in that present moment, I allow more growth, more joy, more abundance in the next moments to join me. 11/17/2017 0 Comments How are You a Messenger of Wonder?Today we continue with writing inspired by the Diane Ackerman Poem "Praise for My Destroyer"...
I offer myself as a messenger of wonder – How do I do this? I open my mouth. I open my mouth and I speak what is in front of me. I open my mouth and I speak the details of what is in front of me – the lines, the light, the way the lines and light reach back to me and fill my hand with energy that ignites my muse and makes my fingers push the keys that become these words and further the process in an infinite loop de loop when someone else lifts her or his or their chin and sees… oh, the plug.. oh the chord into the plug that makes the light turn on. The switch. I hear the click, I see the light turn on and suddenly I notice… And the a-ha’s flow because people say “I never saw it like that, I never thought of it like that, I never… until now and suddenly the plug becomes an object of wonder and curiosity and we appreciate those who created the plug and the lamp and our heartbeat joins their heartbeat and the collective heartbeat and…. In what ways am I currently a messenger of wonder? Here. Now. This. You. Look. Listen. Translate. Taste. Touch. Cry when you feel it, laugh when you feel it. Feel free and stand with it, allow yourself to hold onto that fearful moment with the same gentle tenderness as you hold onto a first kiss or a first bite of the most incredible taste ever (pesto, dark chocolate, pear brandy come to mind) and then….. recognize the divinity of that moment and…. How would I like to further my message of wonder in the world? Increase the people I interact with and who appreciate what I am up to… invite them in. Cherish their them-ness. Reflect this beauty of humanity so the static will be silence and the pure breath and tone and light and harmony and dissonance and choking and relaxing back into presence flows…. Right now, as a message of wonder in my world I choose to….continue. (Join us for #5for5BrainDump: Read the blog here for prompts and samples.) 11/16/2017 0 Comments Giving & Receiving with Abundant GraceI have spent too many holiday seasons in a bad mood.
I just wanted to put that out there before I went much further. It is the reality, unfortunately. I am – thankfully – more than able to make “it” better starting here and starting now. Lately I have been on a bit of a manifesting adventure. I used to be a quite accomplished manifesting queen. I would think something and bam, it would appear. I got a bit inflated about it even. One might say, anyway. Until that-crash-I-discuss-I-think-entirely-too-much. “Wait a second!” the other side of me says. “You had a lot of bad stuff happen due to no fault of your own, it would have slowed anyone else down so stop apologizing for it, please.” So let’s just put it like these: I’m sort of out of practice as a manifesting queen and I am more than ready to start having more miraculous holidays. When #5for5BrainDump begins we’ll be just out of Thanksgiving here in the United States, the holiday whose primary focus is gratitude, not shopping or sports in my world. Gratitude is an all-year-round gift and a marvelous teacher of abundance. It came to me like a slowly growing ringing of bells this morning: Giving and Receiving – the infinite loop de loop of abundance. THAT will be the foundation of our writing with love in community in the end of November and December. How exciting is this? The bells get louder. It is VERY exciting beloveds. More details (times, places, etc) are forthcoming. Please please please mark your calendar and even more importantly, set your intention to join us now. My Gift to You! A continually transforming life, continuing… with love breathed from me to you with great joy. It is such an honor, such a blessing. THANK YOU! 11/2/2017 0 Comments Yes, It Is a.... (fill in your blank & read mine here because) Writing Happens... when we Stay the Course with #5for5BrainDumpI could easily get lost running down the rabbit hole of “Where did I first hear the expression of “Staying the course” and why, after all these years, am I still saying it?
Was it “Dead Poet’s Society”? I google quotes and I see carpe diem and seize the day and a bunch of Thoreau and Whitman and no stay the course and I realize I can lose time searching AND I may choose instead to……follow my own prompt so… Today I will choose to stay the course” because I believe wholeheartedly the world is waiting for our words. The world is waiting for me to finish my projects and launch them well. Not to launch them with attachment but to launch them with all the vigor I have available to me. There are women sitting in their living rooms wondering what they might do differently. “How may my child be helped?” They watch their five-year-old son struggle and then hold him close and he has no problems or issues at home. The administrators tell her she’s a bad parent. There is clucking of tongues when she walks by even though these same people praise her for the parent she is with her daughters. She stops smiling. Fear sits above her eyebrows. She sequesters herself at home so she won’t feel compelled to make excuses. The day comes when she discovers autism and her mother confesses she had suspected it (and hadn’t told the now crying mother-daughter). I will choose to stay the course when I look at photos of me from then and the photos of me from now – still scared when the school calls in the morning – yet filled with years of successes. That flicker of fear doesn’t evaporate. I’ve just learned how to negotiate it better. (Most of the time, anyway.) The world is waiting for our words of instruction, of hope, of dreams left in the dank cellar and dreams brought into the light of day. It is a wonderful world – I won’t search that quote right now either because I need YOU to be reading this sooner rather than later. Secondary prompt: One way I will stay the course with my writing is… 1.Review the content I have and read the first draft aloud. Set aside a time and space where I may do that reflectively as well as critically. (And another way is…) 2.Create space to google for appropriate quotes and stretch out tips and stories accordingly. (and another way is…) 3.Keep other mini-writing-projects at the ready so I may finish this one AND be filled in the moment with other projects. I am NOT a one-at-a-time writer and I know this may block me because I try to do like others and somehow make myself wrong. Once again I forgot to set my timer – which is sort of a block metaphor in and of itself. I won’t get tangled in that though, I will move on to publishing because - The world is waiting for our words of instruction, of hope, of dreams left in the dank cellar and dreams brought into the light of day. It is a wonderful world. |
Julie Jordan Scottis the founder and creator of 5For5BrainDump. She has been inspiring artistic rebirth since 1999. Archives
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